
MacDonald Illig Attorneys Partner with Nonprofit Partnership for Quarterly Presentation Series

MacDonald Illig is partnering with the Nonprofit Partnership, a membership-based program that provides education, training, and tools to strengthen local nonprofit agencies, to provide quarterly presentations on topics ranging from Intellectual Property matters to Labor & Employment issues. The first presentation, "Intellectual Property, Collaborations, and Third Party Contracting" was conducted in early June 2010. The next seminar, "Hot Topics in Nonprofit Human Resources", is slated to take place on September 17, 2010 at the Jefferson Educational Society located at 3207 State Street, Erie, PA. To register for this seminar or to learn more about the Nonprofit Partnership, visit their website at www.TheNonprofitPartnership.org.

If you have about labor and employment issues, please contact our office at 814-870-7600 or complete this form on our website. 


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