You need a lawyer who knows the law and the market
Our Services

Structuring, Negotiating & Documenting Commercial Loans

As a commercial lender or loan officer, you know your business and know the business of your clients. Inside and out. 

Each borrower is different though, and often the unique needs of your clients require legal expertise to work through the nuance. For instance, how can you protect the collateral and cash flow underpinning your willingness to lend, especially if that collateral is unique? How do you deal with an over-aggressive participating lender? Is the loan your nonprofit borrower needs to expand its facilities eligible for a tax-exempt interest rate? These are a sample, but as anyone in the commercial lending world knows, the questions and issues are endless when considering the particular needs of your clients.  

Related Services

No matter the question, MacDonald Illig will provide you the support to navigate through the nuance. Our banking and finance attorneys represent banks, credit unions, municipal authorities and non-traditional lenders in all types of financing transactions, whether conventional business loans, real estate loans, construction financing, participations or mezzanine financing. And our firm has a particular concentration in public finance, frequently acting as bond counsel and as counsel to lenders, municipalities, operating and financing authorities, nonprofit 501(c)(3) organizations, and underwriters in complex tax-exempt financing transactions.

Our goal at MacDonald Illig is to exceed expectations, which means that we will strive to provide you the right answer no matter the issue, and the issues in commercial lending often stray outside the Banking and Finance lawyer's areas of expertise. To accomplish this, you will have access to the wealth of legal resources available from MacDonald Illig’s other practice groups too, including: Bankruptcy & Creditors’ Rights, Commercial Litigation, Business Transactions, Environmental Law, Tax, Real Estate, Construction Law, Environmental Law, and Government Services. As you can see, MacDonald Illig knows commercial lending, and we expect you to see that in all we do.