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Public & Project Finance

Public and project finance transactions involve a number of moving pieces and legal nuances. Transactions typically require compliance with several laws and regulations - including state laws, tax regulations, and securities laws, to name a few. Depending on the transaction, expertise in other areas may be needed as well, such as healthcare, municipal, or education law. Various players and interests may be involved and timing is usually key. Experienced legal counsel is critical to ensure your transaction is properly structured, it complies with laws and regulations applicable to your particular transaction, and it moves forward in a smooth and timely way. 

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Our banking and finance attorneys assist a variety of clients, including state and local government units, nonprofit organizations, and private clients in financing projects related to infrastructure, educational facilities, healthcare facilities, and various other economic development projects. We have expertise in tax-exempt and taxable bond deals, direct private placements, as well as commercial financing transactions. Depending on the needs of our client, we serve as bond counsel, underwriter's counsel or borrower's counsel.

Our team is particularly well equipped to handle public and project finance transactions because of the wealth of expertise within MacDonald Illig across various practice areas, such as tax, real estate, healthcare and securities. At MacDonald Illig, we work collaboratively with each other and with our clients to provide excellent, and timely, advice and guidance for a smooth and successful project. 

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