Helping business owners protect their competitive advantage
Our Services

Intellectual Property & Technology

Business owners know what makes their products and services special and unique, but they may not know how to protect that uniqueness or exploit those advantages to the greatest extent possible.  Owners of intellectual property (IP) look to MacDonald Illig for proficiency in protecting intellectual property and using technology to drive their business success.  Our Intellectual Property and Technology Practice Group has experience in registering trademarks and copyrights, and maintaining a system for monitoring those registrations to ensure renewal in a timely manner.  We communicate with the United States Patent and Trademark Office and the Copyright Office to resolve issues and efficiently obtain registrations. 

Our Intellectual Property & Technology attorneys represent national and international corporations, sports franchises, insurance carriers, family-owned businesses, sole proprietorships, and charitable organizations.

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Exploiting Technology in the Current Regulatory Environment

There is a saying in today's business world that "Data is the new oil."  Businesses generate and have access to more information about their customers than ever before.  In response to new technologies, governmental entities at the state, national, and international levels have begun to impose requirements on the use of this data such as the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation and California's Consumer Privacy Act of 2018.

MacDonald Illig's lawyers can help your business develop and implement privacy policies that comply with these requirements.  Our experience allows you to successfully operate your business while ensuring compliance with these new and ever-changing requirements.

The Intellectual Property & Technology Practice Group regularly assists and advises clients on numerous legal matters including, but not limited to:

  • Copyright & trademark search
  • Non-disclosure agreements
  • Data & security breaches
  • Copyright, trademark, and service mark infringement & protection
  • Trademark registration
  • Technology transfer
  • Privacy regulations
  • Trade secrets
  • Social media infringement and protection

The Resources to Help with Any Matter

In addition to the services of our Intellectual Property & Technology Practice Group, our intellectual property clients, including start-up companies, are able to protect their intellectual property and promote their technology by using MacDonald Illig's many other distinguished business and litigation practices, including Business Transactions, Labor & Employment, and Litigation.

Your Business is Our Passion

As creators of intellectual property and innovative technology, you are rightfully passionate about your creations - and about protecting them from infringement and theft.  The members of our team share your passion, and we are committed to keeping your intellectual property and technology safe and secure.

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