Crafting estate plans to preserve your assets and your legacy
Our Services

Estate Planning

Some people associate "estate planning" with high net worth individuals, believing that it is only for those individuals who are worth "millions."  However, estate planning is necessary for people of all income levels and can help limit family tensions, taxes, probate expenses, and litigation costs. At MacDonald Illig, we believe in taking a client-centered approach to estate planning, which means focusing on the client's needs and desires, advising the client of the applicable laws, taxes, and other legal necessities, and then crafting an estate plan that meets the needs, concerns, and desires of our clients.

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We help our clients consider the impact of all applicable taxes associated with the transmission of wealth.  We will develop and implement strategies that can achieve tax savings that may include establishing trusts for the benefit of family members. In addition, we consider the individual circumstances of every client and work with that client to create a plan that goes beyond simply drafting a legal document.

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